This weeks goal was a pin cushion for my mother in law with a few more for the shop. I had a little experiment with some tiny hexagons, they are seriously small at about 1.5 cm at the widest point, really cute. This is the one for Mum in law, made out of linen and the hexies, which are all made out of cotton prints in lovely spring pinks and greens. I finished it off with some embroidery, I hope she likes it.
I haven't come up with this weeks plan yet, I was thinking something valentines as it nearly is, ooh and have you seen all the mini bunting that is fluttering around every where, I would love to have a go at that. I brought a little wooden shelf from the thrift shop to keep all my pretty's on and I would love to hang some on there. Lucy at attic24 has made some with crochet, lovely lovely lovely as all her creations are and I think I'm going to have a go with fabric as my crochet is not that good.
I'm making a loaf of bread today and it is ready for it's next knead so I'm off, I hope your week is wonderful,
Emma x