Friday, 15 April 2011

Not much making but loads of growing

I'm sorry for the lack of posts recently, I really haven't made much due to the fact that my life has been taken over by my allotment. I keep forgetting to take my camera down when I go....theres not much to see yet I'm still on the digging stage ( I don't know about digging for victory....I feel like I'm digging to Australia ) So I'm blaming:
the courgettes
the beetroot
the broccoli 
the peas
the strawberries
and the garlic !
Hopefully back to making soon.

Emma x


  1. Not surprised you have not had time to make anything!!......looks like you have been very busy with your allotment. Can't wait to see the fruits of your labour, lol. Nic xx

  2. All those lovely green shoots, it'll be great finally eating them :) I'm busy doing the same, I think you have to make the most of the weather and April is always the busiest month in the garden. Bethx

  3. ooh it's all growing, I am utterly envious of your allotment. We have been on the waiting list for what feels like years but we're near the top now !!

    Kate x

  4. You have been busy!We sadly have to give up our allotment recently due to lack of time to dedicate to it so really admire your really is so satisfying to tuck into something you have tended and grown.Looking forward to seeing more,xxx
